Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Free doctors acne home remedies lemon

« ...More recent studies have shown that excess sebum oil can be secreted for a number of reasons, not just your genetic make-up. If you suffer from acne, chances are that the root cause is actually something that can be treated, and, sometimes, completely cured....
...This is definitely great news for the chocoholics. Studies show that chocolates do not cause pimples at all. In fact, if you want to munch on some fries, candy and potato chips, you can do so without the worry about zits invading your face the following day. While eating oily food is not beneficial to the health, pimples are not one of them. This is possibly the biggest myth about acne causes. ...»
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«...Instead eat lots of fresh or frozen VEGETABLES. Why? Because vegetables contain many of the essential nutrients which will help stabilise hormonal changes and fight your acne. Five portions of vegetables and fruits are recommended every day. Do that and not only will your health improve, but so will your acne....»
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tags: can acne be treated during pregancy, salicylic acid for acne, different types of acne

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