Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne peel and teenage acne problems

It is thought that hormone imbalance can cause the body secrete more oils than it really should. Treating acne with acupuncture can help regulate your body's hormone output, and thus make your skin clearer. Treating acne with acupuncture isn't a magic cure-all, though. You still have to eat a balanced diet, wash yourself consistently and avoid heavy makeup or products that might irritate your skin.
Acne has a big effect on body image for teenagers. For some, this self-consciousness can turn into an obsessive preoccupation with their skin. Treatment will vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the acne and the psychological effect.
The growth of the skin care market has allowed even more specialized acne skin care products to be available without the need to visit the doctor. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the excess oil from the skin. Most of these are based on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacteria (and hence acne).
tags: oatmeal with honey good acne remedy, how to get rid of acne overnight, natural way to cure acne

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