Saturday, September 27, 2008

Aubrey organics moisturizer and acne

« ...It's easy to only focus on what we can see on our face when using acne treatments, but sometimes what is happening below the surface is just as important we just cannot see it. It's important that you give any new acne treatment at least 2 months to work before you try something else, because if you keep jumping from product to product you may never achieve the clear and clean skin you want....
...French fries, greasy burgers, and chocolate are often blamed for the cause of acne, this however is not true. The fact is, no scientific connection has been made between diet and acne. A balanced healthy diet is always beneficial, and if you personally find that staying away from certain foods helps your complexion then by all means do so. The improvements of blemishes due to diet changes are more likely in conjunction with food allergies....»
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«...If you have persistent acne, you might want to consider applying lemon juice to the the afflicted places. Lemon juice has natural astringent properties and at the same time that it is drying out the pimples it will also be offering a gentle cleansing affect as well. This is a great natural way to makes sure that your acne cure won't give you an allergic reaction!...»
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tags: acne and best facial wash, natural acne scar treatments, free home remedies for acne

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