Saturday, September 27, 2008

Funny poems about acne

« ...However, her decision to participate in this campaign certainly doesn't mean that the former Spice Girl hasn't got skin problems of her own. Like a number of high-profile celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Victoria suffers from serious adult acne, and even the most expensive make-up artists struggle to mask her spotty skin....
...Cosmetic acne treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabration are extensively prescribed by dermatologists to lessen the appearance of fine lines, minor facial scars and sun damages. Hormone treatments are employed to get rid of acne which is caused by hormonal imbalances. Laser therapy lessens the oil production of oil glands and light therapy acts on the bacteria that cause inflammation....»
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«... Citrus fruit rubbed on the face has been one of the home remedies for zits if you apply the juice directly on the mark. By the following day, the zit should be all but gone, or at least improved. Try adding the citrus juice to some green tea and applying it to the face. Both are good to use separately but great together....»
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tags: benzoyl peroxide acne cream, acne moisturizer prone skin, how to reduce redness and inflammation from acne

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